Today marked both another birthday of mine and a banning by a EU bureucrat, as if I have less right to breathe in Europe than he or anyone else. Anyhow, here's one of my testimonies to being banned after 3 years of living joyously in a community - more at KMEurope & Disruptive-Mice
Paraphrasing Peter Drucker, you never know anything until you have tried teaching it let alone teaching as you and a team practice
Whilst I (as a student of maths of value multiplication such as the system exponentials of economics) have grounded this by spending my adult life researching trust and how people play at learning when given trust's time and space, it was only recently that I spent a year moderating conversations on the connections between knowledge , trust, and energising other emotional intelligences. Don't know how to sum that up in one post but here's a first go:
The value word somewhat confuses me when you conect it with organisational learning studies of emotional (trust, flow, intelligence, literacy, energy, current or currency etc)
To explore more deeply, you could google any of those pairs - eg value*emotional literacy or value*emotional intelligence value*trust trust*flow Then if you love Human KM (1) you might want to map human relations system (singular of plural) or human relationship system (singular of plural) or human relationships network or something that buxxes me like collaboration knowledge city
You also have our sig on Km and Emotional Intelligences, aborted from its editors at about 3 years young but still currently viewable at
To communicate with Americans as needs be: What summary is useful in a David Letterman late night show format? I'll only attempt 5 conversation opening soundbites on why emotional intelligence is always more valuable than any numbers your thinking measures or that mesaure what you are permitted to think.
5 Though many people including myself feel trust is most central flow of valuation, I still have a hankering to always keep in minds eye the gods of community: faith, hope and love. Love is clearly what sustains context, community, mutual care, respect acrosscreed, race etc. I suspect faith and hope have deeper ancient meanings on life time competences and conflict resolutions than their sometimes diluted implications today. Perhaps love gravitates the contexts we choose to map systems of human relationships around and thereby explains what future exponentials compound around quality and sustaining transparency at boundaries between collaboration systems.
4 So why in the name of simplicity does Trust seem to be closest to value multiplcation. If the organisation of a context loses all trust, it will through time be pulled down, valueless. Andersen's addiction billions of business value + 0 societal value = billions didn't know society's lost trust would zeroise it because in a connecting system times over-rules plus (billions*0=0); tells you something that is sorely missing if all you measure performance by is tangibles.
3 The Dalai Lama engages emotionless economists with an argument that by not studying where fear lies in a community; their depressions also degrade any organisation's humanity. I think fear is used to control. Courage is needed to change, innovate, pass through conflict which is the greatestcommunal innovation of all if you believe open space facilitators. I am quite clear from personal discussions in 34 countries that most of the so-called Muslim-West strife circulates from fear caused by compounding economics of externalities so those who least understand a risk like that erected in Bhopal also get the most to suffer from it. That is a terrifying act of globalism because the compound consequences we all gettrapped in. Courage probably has openness too- been reading aboutmissionary work done by likes of David Livingstone. Odd how much of that still needs to be resurrected now (at least the Salvation army tells mesoon as leading team trainer in HIV affected communities around Africa)
2 I do like to love joy. It is the positive virus to unite us all. It turns up in deep flow. In fact, there is a measure developed by one of Peter Drucker's colleagues of how much of a lifetime is being used productively. By this measure that percentage of time being used to deepen experience of what you can most make a difference to is the most logical measure of compound personal productivity we are likely to come up with. It fits nicely with getting on exponential learning curves, which I believe we do when we are still growing with our time. It also fits this extraordinary comment onwhether we really understand the strategic juice made by Alfonso Lingis,and which a conference in Delhi is being congregated on in 2007; becauseIndian's view of community up economics is sustainably and diversely different from that controlled by those Bigs in the West who prefer to rule over diversity. "One always sees things in joy. Itseems to me that there is a very fundamental kind of existentialdecision we make: do we believe our joy or do we believe our neutralstates? In the latter case, the move is always one of prudence - not tomake decisions in a time of enthusiasm when one is carried away, butrather to wait until everything cools down. I think one of the mostimportant things there is - I would almost say one could make this akind of maxim for life - is to always make decisions in a state of joy.One should believe one's joy more than one's prudence, or any cautiousor fearful state of mind". - Alphonso Lingis."
1 The coming wars of goodwill and badwill networks will determine what globaliaation does to nature and yiour chuldren and mine. All positive emotional flows are correlated and attract each other; as do negative energies (I personally reserve some as in between - eg anger wakes me up to try to do something though (I don't want it to turnviciously into hate). Transparency, truth, fairness seem to beinfrastructural needs that underpin human systems as far as I can see. Mathematically they map intangibles valuation and strategic implementation as well as we'll ever need. A map gives me confidence (and helps 360 degrees co-mentoring networks) that I am an equal participant with all who knowledge share its accuracyand that seek to ensure there are no professional silos or hidden agendas: (it supports visualization of networking connections, as well as simplifying all actions). A community or organisation without a see-through map is unlikely to systemically sustain context wherever that needs life.
Paraphrasing Peter Drucker, you never know anything until you have tried teaching it let alone teaching as you and a team practice
Whilst I (as a student of maths of value multiplication such as the system exponentials of economics) have grounded this by spending my adult life researching trust and how people play at learning when given trust's time and space, it was only recently that I spent a year moderating conversations on the connections between knowledge , trust, and energising other emotional intelligences. Don't know how to sum that up in one post but here's a first go:
The value word somewhat confuses me when you conect it with organisational learning studies of emotional (trust, flow, intelligence, literacy, energy, current or currency etc)
To explore more deeply, you could google any of those pairs - eg value*emotional literacy or value*emotional intelligence value*trust trust*flow Then if you love Human KM (1) you might want to map human relations system (singular of plural) or human relationship system (singular of plural) or human relationships network or something that buxxes me like collaboration knowledge city
You also have our sig on Km and Emotional Intelligences, aborted from its editors at about 3 years young but still currently viewable at
To communicate with Americans as needs be: What summary is useful in a David Letterman late night show format? I'll only attempt 5 conversation opening soundbites on why emotional intelligence is always more valuable than any numbers your thinking measures or that mesaure what you are permitted to think.
5 Though many people including myself feel trust is most central flow of valuation, I still have a hankering to always keep in minds eye the gods of community: faith, hope and love. Love is clearly what sustains context, community, mutual care, respect acrosscreed, race etc. I suspect faith and hope have deeper ancient meanings on life time competences and conflict resolutions than their sometimes diluted implications today. Perhaps love gravitates the contexts we choose to map systems of human relationships around and thereby explains what future exponentials compound around quality and sustaining transparency at boundaries between collaboration systems.
4 So why in the name of simplicity does Trust seem to be closest to value multiplcation. If the organisation of a context loses all trust, it will through time be pulled down, valueless. Andersen's addiction billions of business value + 0 societal value = billions didn't know society's lost trust would zeroise it because in a connecting system times over-rules plus (billions*0=0); tells you something that is sorely missing if all you measure performance by is tangibles.
3 The Dalai Lama engages emotionless economists with an argument that by not studying where fear lies in a community; their depressions also degrade any organisation's humanity. I think fear is used to control. Courage is needed to change, innovate, pass through conflict which is the greatestcommunal innovation of all if you believe open space facilitators. I am quite clear from personal discussions in 34 countries that most of the so-called Muslim-West strife circulates from fear caused by compounding economics of externalities so those who least understand a risk like that erected in Bhopal also get the most to suffer from it. That is a terrifying act of globalism because the compound consequences we all gettrapped in. Courage probably has openness too- been reading aboutmissionary work done by likes of David Livingstone. Odd how much of that still needs to be resurrected now (at least the Salvation army tells mesoon as leading team trainer in HIV affected communities around Africa)
2 I do like to love joy. It is the positive virus to unite us all. It turns up in deep flow. In fact, there is a measure developed by one of Peter Drucker's colleagues of how much of a lifetime is being used productively. By this measure that percentage of time being used to deepen experience of what you can most make a difference to is the most logical measure of compound personal productivity we are likely to come up with. It fits nicely with getting on exponential learning curves, which I believe we do when we are still growing with our time. It also fits this extraordinary comment onwhether we really understand the strategic juice made by Alfonso Lingis,and which a conference in Delhi is being congregated on in 2007; becauseIndian's view of community up economics is sustainably and diversely different from that controlled by those Bigs in the West who prefer to rule over diversity. "One always sees things in joy. Itseems to me that there is a very fundamental kind of existentialdecision we make: do we believe our joy or do we believe our neutralstates? In the latter case, the move is always one of prudence - not tomake decisions in a time of enthusiasm when one is carried away, butrather to wait until everything cools down. I think one of the mostimportant things there is - I would almost say one could make this akind of maxim for life - is to always make decisions in a state of joy.One should believe one's joy more than one's prudence, or any cautiousor fearful state of mind". - Alphonso Lingis."
1 The coming wars of goodwill and badwill networks will determine what globaliaation does to nature and yiour chuldren and mine. All positive emotional flows are correlated and attract each other; as do negative energies (I personally reserve some as in between - eg anger wakes me up to try to do something though (I don't want it to turnviciously into hate). Transparency, truth, fairness seem to beinfrastructural needs that underpin human systems as far as I can see. Mathematically they map intangibles valuation and strategic implementation as well as we'll ever need. A map gives me confidence (and helps 360 degrees co-mentoring networks) that I am an equal participant with all who knowledge share its accuracyand that seek to ensure there are no professional silos or hidden agendas: (it supports visualization of networking connections, as well as simplifying all actions). A community or organisation without a see-through map is unlikely to systemically sustain context wherever that needs life.