Thousands of us have developed a survey of 20 factors a city needs for its netizens to be confident of being a best for the world knowledge collaboration city- email if you want to assess your city. So far even top ranking cities only get half marks- one reason why all our city cultures need each other if collaboration turns out to be what networking permits humanity to JUST DO with IT -let peoples bridge digital divides and bring down degrees of separation around contexts that are life critical and investments that are sustainable

Reviewing the 16 DVDs on the World Series of Social Entrepreneur Champions
(Series sponsors include Ashoka Skoll Changemakers - profiles debated at Calcutta and other Club of City and advocates of help BBC governors to stop being afraid of covering social entrepreneurs - their programmes matter more to kids futures than spectator sports do)

I started with the Grajew dvd "Beyond Corporate Social Responsibility" since he's always been one of the greats whom I have found it harder to get stuff on because I don't speak Portuguese. I love this DVD because this guy has done what some CEOs -and sustainability investment funds - have said is necessary but few have so simply done. Namely while goodwill is wrongly or non-transparently audited, social responsibility puts an individual corporation at a cost disadvantage. What is needed is sector social responsibility, which if achieved is to nobody's disadvantage and the advantage of those who help pioneer its lead. This is what Grajew clearly did first with Brazil's toy industry - his origins are being in the toy sector, then agreeing to be the head of the main toy industry association, convening meetings until sufficient companies in the industry agreed they’d adopt a policy of not sourcing toys that involved child labour exploitation. The stories he tells are so straightforward I could well believe any CEO who cares could gain enormously from seeing this dvd; I wish it could be mass produced and given away with a copy of The Economist or some such mass channel to leaders. At we chronicle my family and fellow Scots beliefs that the 1840s founder of The Economist (James Wilson) was one of the world champion social entrepreneurs of the 19th Century - anyway it was his inspiration that encouraged my father's entrepreneurial revolution trilogy between 1976-1984 where needs for social entrepreneurs were forecast if this 21st century is to become mankind's most civilised and best for all people, instead of its worst. It's interesting that Bill Drayton was the only one in the world to pick this idea up all that long ago so of course I am biased towards believing any networks he connects into are more likely to change the world than any other person I am aware of.

Grajew has since gone on to involve a third by turnover of all Brazil's business in responsibility programs. I'd love to know if he has converted other whole sectors (still haven't finished DVD). I can also imagine that if a nation gets such a critical mass of companies believing in responsibility it becomes simpler to be an advocate of responsibility as a market advantage even if the whole sector doesn’t come with you.

A question I would love to ask is does anyone know of any sector anywhere outside Brazil that has adopted sector responsibility regarding one of its sector deepest responsibilities (ie externality) or even a leader of a large business who is trying to form such a sector collaboration.
Survey of Shareholders of The Economist

I am piloting this around questions like these

Is the purpose of economics to compound better lives for all people or a few powers that be? Do they have a specific goal or vision for economics over the next decade? Do they agree that the 1840s founder (James Wilson) of The Economist was a 19th C social entrepreneur world champion? At er100 (vote for alumni networks of 100 entrepreneurial revolutionaries you believe children could benefit from knowing of and selectively connecting to before they grow up) we chronicle his beliefs in transparent statistics and sustaining business ethics; and how he died before his time trying to plant these in India run by British Empire

I have got the complete listing of shareholders ; if you'd be interested to survey those in your city or country outside UK, please contact me and I wil first count up how many there are, as well as show you the latest version of the pilot survey to see if you feel it can be edited into a jointly user friendly form

I have sent a first wave of surveys out to people who recognisably came from quakers businesses if they profile with a distinct response pattern, I will come back and summarise here

I am aware that many professions are making a system beyond review - eg global branding -please tell us ( any references you have in this regard whether on economics or other professions that advise leaders

If you have been to Oxford or Cambridge , why not vote for alumni most likely to help humanity change the world ... if ClubofCity could be surveying other alumni institutes/networks please mail me with your suggestions


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