Which will be the meetings with the most impact for humanity in 2007? - one of the most critical years of the decade of truth our future historians, economists, entrepreneurs and internationalists forecast 2005-2015 would need to be if the networking revolution is to integrate a sustainable globalisation rather than one that terminates future generations?
Our FutureHistory affiliates wish both Davos' oldtimer World Economics Forum (WEF) and newcomer Brazil-Kenya's(WSF) well.
http://futurehistorian.tv http://futurehistory.jp
In WEF's early days before it was famous , my dad helped out as a speaker more than once. However, absent of reformation, WEF has to be reviewed as potentially slipping out of relevance compared with meetings that did not even exist when the millennium began.
First there's the league of inspirational intiative meetings such as
Clinton Global , http://changeworld.net/_wsn/page5.html
microcreditsummit, http://microsummit.tv http://thegreenchildren.com
ted.com http://worldcitizen.tv/_wsn/page3.html
whose world citizen research rankings we maintain here http://sustainabilityclub.com/_wsn/page4.html
Second, this year it appears have become subject to a triple whammy of coincident events. Afirca's first ever world social forum; and India taking the lead with a sustaianbility forum that has bagged that most intriguing duo of climate 007: Nicholas Stern and Gordon Brown. Against which WEF's Lord Browne of BP and Blair look more like history's wisdom than the searching future's - unless this pairing is going to stand up and offer a converted view than any of they have previously mailed us.
Third unlike recent years when a key theme had been clarified and new data collected, and moreover a key speaker from another side of the world made extraordinary challenging contributions, WEF's pre-conference web this year sent me to sleep when I started reading the PCW 90-page knowledge concierge document (in transparency I must admit to potential bias: when I was employed by what became PCW in the early 1990s it was both the most boring and least entreprenurial career move on my vitae)
Nobody will be more delighted than us if WEF pulls a rabbit out of the magiician's tophat. Klaus is an a-list good sort, and whilst media coverage of economics was a subject entrepreneurially concerned with transparently investigating progress for all humanity WEF was the most exciting way to begin every New Year (apart from what each family chose to celebrate on January 1) We will be watching the WEF website http://www.weforum.org which is potentially a hidden jewel as a platform compared with all other meeting formats
Meanwhile, we've been frantically busy trying to sign up a quorum of world citizen future reporters from the World Social Forum in Kenya. What we don't care about is getting the scoops from the next 7 days. what we do care about is identifying the lasting comon actions troughout 2007 and how they connect with other extraordinary events being celebrated later in 007 both:
in Africa such as http://www.ted.com/tedglobal2007/
in the 5 years Passports to Sustainability http://passports.jp being launched as a round the world countdown to London's Olympic year with the goal of persuading the BBC that sustain ability's league heroes demand every bit as much hourly programming of the leading public broadcaster and world service channel as sports. After all's said and done, if we play any more inconvenient games with Truth on climate or the jigsaws of peace there will be no sports for future generations
Should you wish to keep linked in to the very occasional future events preview our networks will be issuing, please go and register at http://groups.google.com/group/maclink/topics?lnk=li&hl=en
Chris Macrae, info@worldcitizen.tv
Our FutureHistory affiliates wish both Davos' oldtimer World Economics Forum (WEF) and newcomer Brazil-Kenya's(WSF) well.
http://futurehistorian.tv http://futurehistory.jp
In WEF's early days before it was famous , my dad helped out as a speaker more than once. However, absent of reformation, WEF has to be reviewed as potentially slipping out of relevance compared with meetings that did not even exist when the millennium began.
First there's the league of inspirational intiative meetings such as
Clinton Global , http://changeworld.net/_wsn/page5.html
microcreditsummit, http://microsummit.tv http://thegreenchildren.com
ted.com http://worldcitizen.tv/_wsn/page3.html
whose world citizen research rankings we maintain here http://sustainabilityclub.com/_wsn/page4.html
Second, this year it appears have become subject to a triple whammy of coincident events. Afirca's first ever world social forum; and India taking the lead with a sustaianbility forum that has bagged that most intriguing duo of climate 007: Nicholas Stern and Gordon Brown. Against which WEF's Lord Browne of BP and Blair look more like history's wisdom than the searching future's - unless this pairing is going to stand up and offer a converted view than any of they have previously mailed us.
Third unlike recent years when a key theme had been clarified and new data collected, and moreover a key speaker from another side of the world made extraordinary challenging contributions, WEF's pre-conference web this year sent me to sleep when I started reading the PCW 90-page knowledge concierge document (in transparency I must admit to potential bias: when I was employed by what became PCW in the early 1990s it was both the most boring and least entreprenurial career move on my vitae)
Nobody will be more delighted than us if WEF pulls a rabbit out of the magiician's tophat. Klaus is an a-list good sort, and whilst media coverage of economics was a subject entrepreneurially concerned with transparently investigating progress for all humanity WEF was the most exciting way to begin every New Year (apart from what each family chose to celebrate on January 1) We will be watching the WEF website http://www.weforum.org which is potentially a hidden jewel as a platform compared with all other meeting formats
Meanwhile, we've been frantically busy trying to sign up a quorum of world citizen future reporters from the World Social Forum in Kenya. What we don't care about is getting the scoops from the next 7 days. what we do care about is identifying the lasting comon actions troughout 2007 and how they connect with other extraordinary events being celebrated later in 007 both:
in Africa such as http://www.ted.com/tedglobal2007/
in the 5 years Passports to Sustainability http://passports.jp being launched as a round the world countdown to London's Olympic year with the goal of persuading the BBC that sustain ability's league heroes demand every bit as much hourly programming of the leading public broadcaster and world service channel as sports. After all's said and done, if we play any more inconvenient games with Truth on climate or the jigsaws of peace there will be no sports for future generations
Should you wish to keep linked in to the very occasional future events preview our networks will be issuing, please go and register at http://groups.google.com/group/maclink/topics?lnk=li&hl=en
Chris Macrae, info@worldcitizen.tv